Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lola Speaks

Lola seems to have grown up overnight!

Just a few weeks ago, her vocabulary was very limited. I was starting to worry, even though I know hypotonia can sometimes contribute to a speech delay. But she's really starting to catch up.

Here's what Lola says:

"Hi," "Mama," "Dada," "Peh-peh" (for Grandpa), "Ama" (for Grandma), "teetee" (for kitty), "Hoo, hoo!" when she sees an owl, "cheese," "juice," "shoes," "than-coo" (for thank you), "go", "dat" (for that), "dis" (for this), "tree," "all done,"... and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

She's also communicating in other ways, signing words like "dog," "sky," "cat," "more," and "milk," although she is less interested in signing now that she is trying her hand at talking. She also walks up to her high-chair when she's hungry, says "Ahhh" when she wants a drink from my water bottle or wants to nurse (lol!), points to what she wants, and nods or shakes her head when you ask her a question.

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